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We are the largest and definitely the oldest Mountain Biking club in the North East of England. We support all forms of riding, from entry level to Pro. We introduce new people to the sport on our local trails, and we organise weekends away and racing for those that think they can handle it! We also have a cracking social scene. All you have to do to join the party is come along and introduce yourself!

If you have any specific questions you can email us at;


David Weeks
Founding Father
Ivan Fairless
Founding Father
Neil Thompson
Chris Sherratt
Membership Sec & Treasurer
Dave Humphries
Committee Member
Russ Catty
Committee Member
Simon Chivers
Committee Member
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Dan James
Committee Member
Ian Lowson
Committee Member 
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Dave Bew
Bike Marshalling
Where we ride


Sunday 9am Away Ride

These rides generally meet at a number of departure points (so check the programme!) and can be anywhere in Weardale, the Pennines, Borders, Yorkshire  Dales, Northumberland, North York Moors or even the Lake District.  Ride length will be typically anywhere from 20 to 35 miles.  It is advisable to speak to the main contact on Saturday night to check the form for the next day, since late changes to the advertised ride can occur due to the weather or abilities etc.  This also helps if you intend to drive directly to the meeting point.  Virtually all the Sunday rides have a lunch stop built in (normally in a pub, so bring some money too).  The 9am rides are intended to be a full day out returning tired, but exhilarated, aiming to be back by 5pm.

Sunday 10am Local Ride - Meet Beamish

The 10am ride meets at the Shepherd and Shepherdess, Beamish and cover a similar area to that described above for the Wednesday night rides and be of 2 to 3 hours duration.  These rides are intended to be of a more moderate pace and are for those who don't want a full day’s ride and for new members to get a feel for the club.

Wednesday 7pm Evening Ride - Meet Beamish

Wednesday evening rides meet at the Shepherd & Shepherdess in Beamish, Chester le Street at 7:00 for a 7:15 start.   Ride length depends largely on the time of the year and weather conditions and range from a relatively short loop of Waldridge Fell or longer rides going over to the Lanchester Valley or longer still over to the Metrocentre and Derwent Walk cycle path. All Wednesday evening rides aim to finish back at Beamish at 9:30.  The pace can be brisk at times with some fairly tough hill climbs but we never leave anybody behind (well at least not intentionally).

In the winter months a good set of bike lights are essential and basically the brighter and the bigger the battery the better, needing to have a minimum of 3 hours burn time and 10W of light.  Rear flashing Led’s are also required for spotting fellow riders and staying legal on the inevitable sections of road that link the rides up.  Afterwards why not follow-on up to the Shepherd & Shepherdess in Beamish for a well earned pint.

For all rides it is advisable to bring water proofs, energy bars and tools for fixing punctures and mechanicals, although there is always help close at hand. Riding is off-road as much as possible and makes use of the Coast to Coast route between Fatfield and Consett to get to the more interesting areas of riding.

Club Kit






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Wooly Hats

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Wooly hats also, high quality items made in Scotland by Wonky Woolies no less, keep ya nappa nice and warm.

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